• Ruth C. Rodriguez

    Assistant Director of Enrollment Operations and Designated Student Official (DSO)

    210-436-3126, ext. 3827

More About Ruth

Hometown: Miami and Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Alma mater: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan Campus

Favorite spot on campus: The pathway to

Favorite place in San Antonio: 

Who is someone you admire, and why?  
I admire my grandfather for his hard work, perseverance, strength, faith in God and for his support. He was a humble man who helped a lot of people without asking anything in return. He taught me to work hard, never give up and always be kind and good to others. 

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and their names?  
I have three Great Danes — Jax, Leia and Kylo. They are the joy of our home, our gentle giants.  

What’s your guilty pleasure?  
Brownies with vanilla ice cream. I will eat them any day at any time.  

What would your personal motto be? 
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

What’s the best concert you ever attended?  
The best concert ever was Metallica in June 2017. I didn’t have the opportunity to see them when I was younger. I danced, screamed and sang my heart out! 

  • Questions?

    For any questions you or your family may have, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you.

    Office of Admission
    Chaminade Tower
    Text us: 210-526-0796
    Call us: 210-436-3126

    Office of Graduate Admission
    Chaminade Tower

    Office of Financial Assistance
    St. Louis Hall, Room 301

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