Political Science

In the Department of Political Science at St. Mary’s University, students develop skills that increase their understanding of governance and politics, and the theoretical underpinnings of democracy, a republic and justice. Analytical and critical skills are emphasized in this major through research methods, statistical analysis, leadership, service and enhanced oral and written communication assignments.

The St. Mary’s University Department of Political Science educates in the enduring values of social justice, equality, diversity, community and the common good in global, national and local arenas.

Through the application of theory to practical situations and the inventive use of contemporary research methods and techniques, students learn to understand and propose humane solutions to public needs and problems.

In the context of a Catholic and Marianist university, students and faculty alike work to experience and enhance the skills necessary for an active and effective life in democratic and transitioning societies.

Likewise, Political Science faculty and students share a common purpose-to inspire the civic conscience of the University community. As a result, in their many career choices, Political Science graduates are called to a life of service and civic engagement throughout the world.

Department Mission

Professors Emeriti

Larry Hufford, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 2022.

Larry Hufford, Ph.D.

Charlie Cotrell, Ph.D., is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 2021.

Charlie Cotrell, Ph.D.

Kenneth J. Carey, M.A. is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science, 1985.

Kenneth J. Carey, M.A.
Henry Flores headshot

Henry Flores, Ph.D., was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas.

He served as Dean of the Graduate School for three terms, Chairperson of the Political Science Department for two terms and Director of the Graduate Program in Public Administration for three terms. 

Dr. Flores has acted as a public policy consultant to various mayors of San Antonio, Texas. In the private sector, he has served as a statistical consultant to Nielsen Media Research, Oak Farms Dairy and other corporations.

He is a nationally recognized litigation research expert in racial discrimination against and voting rights of Latinos. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and books including Evolution of the Liberal Democratic State (2007), Latinos and the Voting Rights Act (2015) and Racism, Latinos and Public Policy (2019). He is also a co-author of the book, Mexican Americans & the Law (2004). 

Currently, Dr. Flores is composing the official biography of the late Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez. Dr. Flores has testified in more than 50 voting and civil rights cases, eight of which have been argued before the United States Supreme Court. 

He is also a Vietnam combat veteran having served with the First Cavalry Division as a Field Artillery Captain.

Henry Flores, Ph.D.

Academic Programs in the Department of Political Science

Political Science

Master of Public Administration

Graduate Certificate in Public Communication, Public Policy and Public Leadership

Mexican American Studies

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